Unit 1 - Learn about the purpose and application of chemistry, matter, lab protocols, scientific notation, operations with scientific notation, conversions, data analysis, and dimensional analysis.
Unit 2 - Learn about the characteristics and properties of different forms of matter, physical and chemical changes, the periodic table, compounds, the organization of an atom, and electron configuration.
Unit 3 - Learn about ionic and covalent bonding, naming ionic and covalent bonds, and the strengths of different types of bonds.
Unit 4 - Learn to name binary molecular compounds and acids, and how to form Lewis Dot Structures.
Unit 5 - Learn about the concept of VSEPR, electronegativity, polarity, balancing chemical equations, chemical reactions, and the difference between reactions in water and reactions in the air.
Unit 6 - Learn about the unit of measurement of a mole, conversions moles and particles, mole ratios in compounds, molar mass calculations, percent composition, and the formation of molecular and empirical formulas.
Unit 7 - Learn to perform stoichiometric calculations, and utilize mole to mole, mole to mass, mass to mole, and mass to mass ratios.
Unit 8 - Learn about the unique properties and behaviors of gases, the kinetic molecular theory, Dalton’s Laws of Partial Pressures, and intermolecular forces (IMFs).
Unit 9 - Learn about the laws specific to gases from Boyle, Charles, and Gay-Lussac, and have a special focus on the Ideal and Combined gas laws.
Unit 10 - Learn about the similarities and differences between homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures, various forms of calculating concentrations, molarity, molality, dilution, and solubility rules.
Unit 11 - Learn about acids and bases, the strengths of acids, ionization constants, pH calculations, neutralization reactions, as well as various forms of solutions.